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Patient Education

Dental Health is an integral part of General Health. Imparting dental education at an early age introduces children to best practices of Oral Hygiene. Re-iterating its importance to all generations is equally important. The life of your teeth depends on how you maintain them. Our team at Colonel’s Dental Den constantly re-enforce the importance of Oral Hygiene.


X-RAY with RVG

Radiovisiography is a digital technique wherein the X-Ray is directly projected on the monitor. It saves time and also significantly reduces the radiation exposure to the patient. A patient is in a better position to understand the details of his dental problem when RVG is used and the X-Rays can be shared online.

We also consult with an intraoral that camera enables the patient to see the problems inside the mouth on the monitor for better understanding.


Orthodontic Treatment

A smile is the main component of human charm. Charming people find it a lot easier to connect with others, and as a result in achieving their goals. In addition, a person’s smile can speak a lot about one’s self. People break tense environments by simply exchanging smiles. Business deals are made over captivating smiles. Crooked teeth can be corrected with the help of braces. Orthodontic treatment can be done across ages. If nature has not rewarded you with a dazzling snow-white smile or your teeth have darkened under the influence of adverse factors – they are all easy to fix at Colonel’s Dental Spa.


  • Fixed SS Brackets

    In the past twenty years, the metal brackets (stainless steel) and wires have become significantly smaller. Metal braces are more difficult to see and no longer overwhelm a patient's smile. While the metal is still obvious, more of the natural tooth shines through.

  • Ceramic Brackets

    The braces are white in colour and significantly reduce show of metal to the extent of the wires only. This is an excellent solution for patients who want to straighten their teeth, but do not want anyone to notice.

  • Ceramic Brackets & White Metal Wire

    The braces as well as the wires are white in colour, thus offering better aesthetics as there is no show of metal at all. Since ceramic brackets are difficult to clean and take care of, ceramic braces are recommended for adults.

  • Lingual Braces

    While lingual braces are of the same materials as metal braces, they are placed behind your teeth. The placement makes them difficult to notice, and are an excellent choice for those who want to straighten their teeth discreetly.

  • Aligners (Clear Path)

    Aligners are transparent pre-formed invisible removable appliances created after taking a patient’s teeth impressions. Each aligner targets a specific tooth and moves the teeth closer to being straight. Patients can remove them while eating and brushing their teeth making them extremely convenient.


Smile Design

If the face is the mirror of the body, the front teeth are the mirror of the face. The perfect smile that one sees on the front pages of magazines of beautiful models, may not be the smile they were born with. It is generally a smile designed for them by a cosmetic dentist. Get that perfect smile soon and boost your confidence ten folds!

  • Composite Work

    Dental Composites are tooth-coloured filling materials made of resin reinforced with silica or porcelain particles and are used to restore tooth structure lost through trauma, caries or other diseases. Composites can also be used as cements to cement crowns and veneers, etc.

  • Enameloplasty

    Enameloplasty is a simple, quick and painless cosmetic dental procedure to remove small amounts of tooth enamel to change a tooth’s size, shape, length, or surface. The procedure is typically performed on front teeth for aesthetic reasons like making teeth a more uniform length.

  • Gingivectomy

    Gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gingiva (gum tissue), when the gums have pulled away from the teeth creating deep pockets. The pockets make it hard to clean away plaque and calculus. Gingivectomy is usually done before gum disease has damaged the bone supporting the teeth.


Dental Makeover for Brides & Grooms

A recent survey shows that 45% of people judged other people by their smile and 75% of the people were not confident to smile for a photograph. Can you get that perfect smile? YES! With a Smile Makeover you can get that amazing smile and your confidence back. Make an appointment at Colonel’s Dental Spa at the earliest.

  • How do you get there?

    A Smile Makeover is a combination of Aesthetic Dental procedures that enhance the beauty and appearance of your smile, while at the same time maintaining the Harmony of Nature.

  • Dental Makeover Involves

    Either a single procedure or you may benefit from a combination of procedures that depend on the condition of your teeth.

  • The Result

    With a smile that is straight, white, even and just perfect for your face, you will feel better than you have in years. Your new smile will help you look younger, make you feel more confident and boost your self-esteem. Look your best in your marriage photographs, which you will treasure for life.


Dental Jewel

Single Jewel

With a cosmetic dental procedure a diamond or a stone can be attached to the tooth. This procedure has been gaining utmost importance in the recent past. Zirconia diamond is permanently bonded on the tooth surface for enhancing beauty. This is a much sort after procedure by one and all with increasing awareness among people.

People belonging to all age groups are being attracted to this kind of body art but most commonly, it is worn by 18 to 35 year old hip-hop artists and disc jockeys in order to add on to the extravagance of their performance and to get an extra spark to their smile while interacting with the audience.


Bleaching of Teeth

Bleaching is whitening of the teeth, particularly of those which are in the smile zone. Teeth can be bleached in the dental clinic as well as at home under the guidance of a dentist. Generally, the longer you keep a strong solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter the time-frame it should be applied to the teeth. Keeping the gel on longer will dehydrate the tooth and increase tooth sensitivity.

We provide bleaching of the teeth under the following categories:

  • FLOURIDE TREATMENT (FULL MOUTH) : A protective treatment of the teeth which makes them less prone to decay.


Gingival Depigmentation

Gingival hyperpigmentation usually occurs due to the abnormal accumulation of melanin in the gingival tissue and confers a dark appearance to the gingiva (gums). This shows when a person smiles and can look un-aesthetic. Gingival hyper-pigmentation is removed by using different procedures of gingival depigmentation. The patient’s demand for improved aesthetics is the first and foremost indication for depigmentation. Various depigmentation techniques have been employed.

Selection of the technique should be based on clinical experiences and individual preferences. One of the first and still popular techniques to be employed is the surgical removal of undesirable pigmentation using scalpels. Though initial results of de-pigmentation procedures are highly encouraging, re-pigmentation is one of the common concerns associated with them.


Laminates & Veneers

  • Laminates

    Covering the front surface of a discoloured or a damaged tooth with the help of a thin covering, is known as a laminate. A veneer is a thin sheet of material placed on the front surface of the tooth, used for aesthetic purposes and protection, replacing the enamel.

  • Composite

    Composites are the most dynamic restorative material, especially for aesthetic dentistry. An immediate, single sitting correction of un-aesthetic front teeth.

  • Ceramic

    Ceramic laminates have been used in corrections and dental reconstructions with a high predictability of success, especially because they require less wear or, in many cases, no wear, preserving sound dental structure, contributing to pulp and periodontal health.


Scaling and Polishing

Scaling and Polishing involves removal of Infected tartar and stains from the tooth surface, above and below the gumline, cleaning them all the way down to the bottom of the pocket. The teeth are rendered clean and healthy. Over time, the regular removal of these deposits may reduce gingivitis (a mild form of gum disease) and prevent progression to periodontitis (severe gum disease).

  • FULL MOUTH: Once the gumline is clean after scaling, dentists begin root planing, smoothing out your teeth roots to help your gums reattach to your teeth.
  • TEETH WHITENING (One segment): Teeth whitening is a simple process. Whitening products contain tooth bleaches that break stains into smaller pieces, that make the colour less concentrated and your teeth brighter.
  • SUBGINGIVAL CURETTAGE: This involves deep scaling wherein the infected tarter is removed from the tooth as well as the root surface below the gum.
  • FRENECTOMY: A frenectomy is an oral procedure during which a frenum in the mouth is altered or removed with a laser. Relocating a high frenum attachment leads to spacing between front teeth.
  • OPERCULECTOMY: A minor surgical removal of the flap over and around the wisdom tooth, which causes recurrent infection and inflammation.
  • ALVELOPLASTY: Reshaping the bone, generally before making a complete denture.


Dental Fillings

To treat a cavity your dentist will remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then "fill" the area on the tooth where the decayed material was removed. Fillings are also used to repair cracked or broken teeth and teeth that have been worn down from misuse (such as from nail-biting or tooth grinding). Various materials are used for dental fillings.


  • Pit and Fissure Sealants

    Sealants prevent tooth decay in children. Sealants are often applied as soon as the first permanent teeth start to come through, usually between 6 and 7 years of age. The rest are sealed as they appear any time between 11 and 14 years of age.

  • Cosmetic Composite Filling

    Cosmetic filling is inserted into a decayed tooth to prevent identified decay from spreading and repair any damages. We use only American Dental association approved composite fillings material at Colonel’s Dental Spa. They are aesthetic and match the colour of the tooth exactly.

  • Silver Fillings

    We use fine grain, lathe cut silver. Silver Fillings are strong and durable to fill cavities and are good for molars. They usually last a minimum of 10 to 15 years and can sometimes last for decades and colour is their only drawback.


Laser Dental Treatment

Painless dentistry has grown with the use of dental lasers. If you are an anxious dental patient and are looking for a comfortable and safe experience, consider getting your treatment done with procedures that incorporate Dental Laser. At Colonel’s Dental Spa we specialize in treating patients with Dental phobia. We will not only help you conquer your fear of dental treatment, but will also boost your dental health, improve your smile and send you with renewed self-confidence!

Laser dentistry versus conventional dental procedures

  • Less invasive
  • Less painful (does not always require an injection)
  • Less bleeding
  • Reduced swelling
  • Faster healing
  • Excellent option of treatment for children
  • Best option for patients with heart problems, hypertension (BP), diabetes, organ transfer, considering there is no cross infection due to a single use of surgical tips and minimal bleeding.


Laser Dental treatment options for you

  • Laser Dental Hard/ Soft tissue treatments.
  • Laser Cosmetic Dental Therapy
  • Laser Tooth Whitening
  • Laser Pain Therapy


Laser dental soft / hard tissue treatment


Laser Pain Therapy

Laser therapy is a safe and effective solution to relieving pain and healing the body without invasive surgery or potentially harmful medications. Dental laser offers topical heating which raises tissue temperature and thus gives relief for:

  • Minor muscle pain
  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Minor arthritis pain
  • Muscle spasm
  • Minor sprains
  • Minor muscular back pain
  • Interim increase in local blood circulation
  • Interim relaxation of muscle


Laser Tooth Whitening

Laser tooth whitening is one of the most effective, fastest and safest methods to get sparkling white teeth. Laser whitening is a specialized procedure performed in the dental office. The procedure involves placing a concentrated bleaching gel on your teeth and then using a laser to heat it up, which will whiten your teeth. The results are so astounding that you cannot just stop smiling and flaunting your teeth. We at Colonel’s Dental Spa offer the world’s best Laser treatment options using Biolase Epic of USA.


Laser Cosmetic Dental Therapy

Lasers have a wide application in cosmetic dentistry. Smile correction with Dental Lasers can be more predictable and offer excellent results. The following cosmetic treatment options can be done with Lasers:

  • Gingival Depigmentation:
    Abnormal accumulation of melanin in the gingival tissue confers a dark appearance to the gingiva (gums) and can be cured by Gingival Depigmentation.
  • Gum Contouring:
    The process of gum contouring involves cutting away or removing excess gum tissue around your teeth. If you have gum recession, the procedure involves restoring the gum tissue.
  • Crown Lightening:
    Crown lengthening is generally performed in order to improve the health of the gum tissue, or to prepare the mouth for restorative or cosmetic procedures.


Root Canal Treatment

Painless, Single Sitting Rotary Root Canal Treatment

When a tooth is badly decayed and becomes infected, Root canal treatment is suggested to save the tooth. Root Canal Treatment involves removal of the infected contents from the core of a tooth, filling the root canals with an inert material and sealing it to prevent abscess formation and spreading of infection. This treatment renders the tooth brittle and therefore has to be protected with a full Crown.


Post and Core

It is indicated in certain cases that a crown cannot be fixed where a tooth is damaged to a large extent. A post and core crown is a type of dental restoration required where there is an inadequate amount of sound tooth tissue remaining to retain a conventional crown. Therefore, support is obtained from the root canal after RCT, and a core is built up to receive a crown.

We provide services of COMPOSITE POST and CORE Single sitting.


Complete Dentures

Dentures are made is cases where all the teeth are missing. They are artificial set of teeth which help the patient to chew food, restore the shape of the face, and improve aesthetics and speech. It takes about 5 sittings to fabricate dentures. Complete dentures can also be retained on dental implants.

  • Imported Material
  • Bredent, Germany (Unbreakable) (With imported teeth)
  • Bredent, Germany (Unbreakable) (With Hi-Value Vita Teeth)


Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges are fixed replacement for damaged or missing teeth. Both crowns and most bridges are fixed prosthetic devices. Unlike removable devices such as dentures, which you can take out and clean daily, crowns and bridges are cemented onto existing teeth or implants, and can only be removed by a dentist.

  • Porcelain fused to metal - Conventional porcelain furnace
  • Porcelain fused to metal - Laser sintered technology
  • All Ceramic IPS - Pure porcelain crowns – Ideal for front teeth
  • Zircon - Pure porcelain crowns with 5 years limited warranty that is ideal for molars.
  • Zircon – 15 years limited warranty
  • Lava 3M – Pure Porcelain Zirconia Crowns
  • Lava Monolith - 5 years limited warranty
  • Lava Essential - 5 years limited warranty
  • Lava Premium – 15 years limited warranty. Very strong, durable and aesthetic with high compressive strength. Ideal for long span Bridges for front and rear teeth.
  • Lava Basic – 10 years limited warranty.
  • Ceron All Ceramic – Pure Porcelain Crowns. Very strong and durable with high compressive strength. 7 years limited warranty.
  • Procera (Sweden) – Pure porcelain crowns made by CAD CAM technology. Work is sent to Procera lab in Sweden. 5 years replacement warranty.



Gingivectomy is a plastic surgery of the gums for removal of infection, when the gums have pulled away from the teeth creating deep pockets. Gingivectomy is usually done before gum disease has damaged the bone supporting the teeth. It includes reshaping the gums and giving them the correct contour.


Flap Surgery

Flap Surgery is an extensive plastic surgical correction of the gums, wherein infection is removed from the gums as well as the underlying infected bone. Before the procedure, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb (freeze) the area where the doctor will work on your gums. Plastic surgery of the gums for removal of infection. Reshaping the gums and giving them the correct contour.


Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more wisdom teeth — the four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth on the top and bottom. If a wisdom tooth doesn't have room to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), resulting in pain, infection or other dental problems, you'll likely need to have it pulled.

  • EXTRACTION: Removal of teeth that cannot be saved.


Dental Implants

Dental Implants are a permanent replacement of missing teeth, where no support is required from the adjacent teeth. Colonel’s Dental Spa is an established dental implant centre. Our consultant Prof (Dr)M.C. Sharma is an eminent implantologist who has placed more than 2000 implants over his 30 years of clinical practice at various super speciality centres all over the country. He also conducts various hands-on courses and lectures on dental implants.

DENTAL IMPLANTS : Titanium Alloy
DENTAL IMPLANTS : Immediate Loading Titanium Alloy
DENTAL IMPLANTS : Platform shift - Pure Titanium

At Colonel’s Dental Spa we follow a strict treatment protocol and high standards of infection control for the benefit of patients with simple or complicated rehabilitation needs.

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